
St. Anthony's Tri-Parish Catholic High School

St. Anthony’s Tri-Parish School recently needed a logo for their budding program. We wanted to maintain the ideas established by the traditional school logo alive- a sense of faith and learning conveyed by the cross and flowers and text. What was important to me, was that the image give a sense of tradition, but also that it was something that would appeal to high school aged kids- something. It needed to be something that they would wear on a hoodie, or perhaps slap on as a sticker to their nalgene. Anyways, this is what we came up with!

High School Logo.jpg

I worked with the students on this project. After a bit of prep, I had them all come up with mock designs as an assignment in class. I wanted them to be invested in the logo that would be used represent them. We went through a branding exercise to help them identify key imagery. Each student came up with a set of values or ideas they thought represented this program and their hopes for it. After that exercise, they created their drafts. Finally, I mocked up a draft based on elements from each of their designs.

This is the logo that we used as a starting pointing for the high school.

This is the logo that we used as a starting pointing for the high school.